Welcome to ”diskrimineringslagen.se”.
You can contact us as experts on Swedish anti-discrimination legislation, labor law and the Swedish system for collective bargaining. Our publications focus mainly on issues related to anti-discrimination law. In June 2021 we finalized the third edition of a comprehensive commentary to the act. The title is Diskrimineringslagen, en kommentar. A new edition will follow every 5-6 years until further notice. Under the heading böcker you find other books and links for on-line purchase. The heading arkiv sums up a selection of articles and reports. Some of them are in English.
Susanne Fransson
Lawyer, PhD, Associate Professor at Gothenburg University. Many years practice as legal adviser to the human resources department at Gothenburg University. 2005-2008 member of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Commission. Gives expert evidence in relation to discrimination court cases.
Teaching and responsibility for legal issues courses at Gothenburg University until 1.9.2020. Courses include: contract law, labor law, anti-discrimination law, equal pay issues and social law.
Research interests / completed projects
Anti-discrimination legislation, equal pay, women´s industrial action, freedom of expression and influence for employees (whistleblowing). Changes in the Swedish educational system from a legal and anti-discrimination perspective.
Lawyer, PhD, Associate Professor at Gothenburg University. Many years practice as legal adviser to the human resources department at Gothenburg University. 2005-2008 member of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Commission. Gives expert evidence in relation to discrimination court cases.
Teaching and responsibility for legal issues courses at Gothenburg University until 1.9.2020. Courses include: contract law, labor law, anti-discrimination law, equal pay issues and social law.
Research interests / completed projects
Anti-discrimination legislation, equal pay, women´s industrial action, freedom of expression and influence for employees (whistleblowing). Changes in the Swedish educational system from a legal and anti-discrimination perspective.
Eberhard Stüber
Lawyer, LLM, Since 2007 consultant in labor law, anti-discrimination law and equal pay issues. From January 2018 until February 2022 senior investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency. Between 1999-2007 investigator at the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman. Many years experience as commissioner of trust in trade unions and as professional motor mechanic.
January 2008 to July 2020. Part-time faculty positions (between July 2014 - January 2018 full-time) at the Faculty for Social Science at Gothenburg University teaching legal issues courses. Courses include: contract law, consumer law, landlord-tenant law, labor law, the Official Secrets Act, Public procurement and social values. Formerly also teaching at the University of Stockholm regarding anti-discrimination law and equal pay. Since spring 2024 renewed teaching assignments in labour law at Gothenburg University.
Lawyer, LLM, Since 2007 consultant in labor law, anti-discrimination law and equal pay issues. From January 2018 until February 2022 senior investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency. Between 1999-2007 investigator at the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman. Many years experience as commissioner of trust in trade unions and as professional motor mechanic.
January 2008 to July 2020. Part-time faculty positions (between July 2014 - January 2018 full-time) at the Faculty for Social Science at Gothenburg University teaching legal issues courses. Courses include: contract law, consumer law, landlord-tenant law, labor law, the Official Secrets Act, Public procurement and social values. Formerly also teaching at the University of Stockholm regarding anti-discrimination law and equal pay. Since spring 2024 renewed teaching assignments in labour law at Gothenburg University.